We were fortunate enough to be part of a workshop led by two members of the Embassy committee (Abbé and Connie) at Edinburgh College of Art. Embassy, if you don't already know, is a non-for-profit organisation tucked away in Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh. Since its inception in 2004, Embassy have hosted an extensive programme of artists of local and international acclaim as well as their signature 'Annuale' show.
Uniquely, Embassy operate a rolling committee- it's five to eight members change every two years and are supported through Embassy gallery members, working voluntarily to provide opportunities for artists at almost every stage of their career to bring projects, festivals and residencies to fruition.
Abbé and Connie discussed the pressing issue of funding in the arts, the need for artist collectives to support one another and the subject of manifestos and how we write them. We discussed, briefly, Embassy's plans for future development- expanding beyond an Edinburgh demographic and encouraging committee applicants from other parts of the country. Embassy encourage that to be a part of a collective such as theirs, you do not strictly have to have an arts-related education nor do you have to believe that art should be hung on a four walled square gallery space.
Responding to our social and political climate in a sensitive and reflective manner is important to the Embassy committee, therefore, Embassy are currently reimagining and redeveloping their structure as an organisation, including their own manifesto, in order to better-position themselves in the light of the ever-changing, tumulus world we live in. Such actions are commendable and we thank Embassy for sharing their knowledge and expertise amongst us and our fellow students.